The Calm tea blend has become a part of my bedtime routine. I love the fresh and unique flavor! It is truly a calming feeling sipping this one. I have honestly tried to find other brands with a similar flavor and I cannot!
Want to feel relaxed & refreshed? This Caribbea Cooler with ginger, hibiscus & 2 kinds of mint is sure to deliver. Very concentrated I can get 2 batches of delicious iced tea in minutes (5 to be exact). The quality is unparalleled.
Delicious, delightful, smooth and a little bold. A taste fit for a goddess, this oolong doesnât disappoint!
Good variety of teas and good quality in my opinion
Not sweet and not peppery, just perfect! Tried it from a gift shop and couldnât wait to order a bigger batch! Out of town family loved it too! Yummy!